Gaydos Issues Statement on Governor’s Latest Mitigation Orders

July 15, 2020

HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement of additional restrictions for in-person gatherings and the operation of bars and restaurants in Pennsylvania.

“At a time when coronavirus cases are increasing in southwestern Pennsylvania, it is prudent to continue taking precautions in the fight against COVID-19,” said Gaydos. “However, the governor’s announcement this afternoon primarily signifies two things—a co-opting of power from local governments to the Wolf administration and the punishment of the many for the actions of the few.

“Last week, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald announced new guidelines for local businesses to follow in combating the spread of COVID-19. These included restrictions on crowd sizes and limitations on the service of alcoholic beverages.

“The vast majority of local establishments have taken significant steps to comply with the necessary restrictions imposed by our county officials. Before the effects of these restrictions were even allowed to evidence themselves, the governor rendered them meaningless, instead unilaterally imposing his own requirements without so much as a moment’s notice.

“Following today’s announcement, many local establishments will have a very difficult time making ends meet as a consequence of this governor’s constant changing of the goalposts.”

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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