Gaydos Disappointed in Failed Attempt to Override Wolf’s COVID-19 Disaster Emergency
September 2, 2020
Veto override vote does not receive two-thirds majority required by Constitution
HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) today expressed disappointment following the failure of the House to override Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 Disaster Emergency veto, on the 180th day following issuance of his original declaration. The representative issued a statement after today’s vote on House Resolution 836, which needed to pass by a two-thirds majority required by the Constitution.
“Today marks six months since the governor announced a declaration of disaster for Pennsylvania. Just yesterday, Wolf extended the emergency declaration to 90 days. While we know we must continue to protect our people, we need to base our decisions on data and science, not on whim. The passage of legislation to require the governor to be subject to Right to Know laws revealed that the governor cut a secret, special deal with the Carlisle Car Show to allow thousands of attendees to attend the event, but will not allow us to watch our kids play a hockey game. It is high time that this emergency declaration be lifted from the governor.
“By not overriding the governor’s earlier veto of House Resolution 836, it’s a safe bet that unemployment compensation claims will rise to 4 million or more, more businesses will be forced to close their doors forever, and suicide, as well as child abuse rates, will continue to rise.
“My constituents from the 44th District and people from across the Commonwealth understand what they need to do to stay safe.”
Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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