House Democrats Block Bill Allowing Families to Attend Sporting Events, Gaydos Says
September 23, 2020
HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) voiced her displeasure as House Democrats voted to uphold Gov. Tom Wolf’s veto of a bill that would have allowed Pennsylvania’s local school districts to make decisions regarding fall sports and activities.
The measure did not receive the two-thirds majority vote necessary to override the governor’s veto.
House Bill 2787 would ensure local control over school sports and spectators. In addition, the legislation would require schools to create guidelines for marching bands and other extracurricular activities. This would transfer the authority and the decision-making ability from the state to these local officials.
“The bill originally passed the House in a bipartisan manner with 155 affirmed votes,” said Gaydos. “We needed 135 votes to override the governor’s veto. However, the vote today was only 130 votes. All 109 of my House Republican colleagues were an affirmative vote.
“I have the utmost respect for my Democrat colleagues, Rep. Anita Kulic (D-Allegheny) and Rep. Rob Matzie (D-Beaver/Allegheny) who maintained the integrity to stand on their original vote and joined me in safely representing the parents and kids of Quaker Valley, Avonworth, Moon and West Allegheny school districts.
“Unfortunately, today more Democrats decided to cave to political pressure by flipping their vote instead of standing up for their constituents.
“It is very sad that the governor wants to continue to prohibit parents and families from the stands while their children play sports this year. For many of these students, this will be the last season they play competitively – their last time putting on a uniform.”
Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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