Gaydos Introduces Bill to Support Tactical EMS Providers

May 17, 2021

HARRISBURG – Marking National EMS Week from May 16-20, Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) has introduced legislation that would better support the work of tactical emergency medical services (EMS) providers.

EMS personnel who are members of a tactical team are specially trained and certified EMS providers that give direct support to law enforcement in dangerous situations to afford a rapid and safe EMS response if a person becomes ill or injured during a tactical law enforcement operation.

“As a former Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), I know that these EMS personnel are highly trained ‘tactical’ paramedics that dedicate their time to assist in tactical law enforcement incidents such as active shooter incidents, hostage situations, high-risk warrant service and barricaded individuals,” said Gaydos. “In their capacity as tactical EMS providers, they currently are unable to use flashing lights when using their private vehicles to respond to incidents that greatly threaten the public’s health and safety, adding critical minutes to their response time.”

House Bill 1331 would add tactical EMS providers to the definitions under Title 75 of the Vehicle Code to include a certified tactical EMS provider who is affiliated with and directly supports a county or regional municipal Special Emergency Response Team of a Pennsylvania State Police Special Emergency Response Team. The inclusion of these emergency responders in the definitions will allow tactical EMS providers to use emergency vehicle lights that deliver added safety while providing for the ability to rapidly respond to an incident in progress.

The legislation is now with the House Transportation Committee for consideration.

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 /

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