Gaydos Supports Voting Rights Protection Bill
June 22, 2021
Lawmaker says trust must be prioritized with guaranteed access for elections
HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) voted to approve legislation to improve Pennsylvania’s election process to ensure free, fair and accessible elections for all and to restore the integrity and trusting our system.
“If Pennsylvanians are to have faith in our election system, they must have complete confidence elections are conducted fairly, efficiently and free of any bias or corruption,” said Gaydos. “Electing our public servants is a fundamental right of every American. Participating in elections should be easy for those who are eligible to do so.”
House Bill 1300, the Voting Rights Protection Act, would call for an expansion of Pennsylvania’s voter identification law; require regular election audits; improve election uniformity among the 67 counties as required by the Pennsylvania Constitution; enhance certification processes for all machines used in elections; require signature verification using ballot scanning equipment for mail-in and absentee ballots; improve lists of registered voters; conduct an audit of every election for, among other things, to improve security of elections. Specifically, registered voters would receive through their counties’ durable scannable voter registration cards, much like the identification cards currently issued to voters, to be used when voting in person.
“During the past several months, the House State Government Committee has been gathering information on our elections and the elections process in Pennsylvania,” said Gaydos. “We can all agree that the election process must be held to the highest integrity. And that no legal voter should ever be denied the opportunity to cast a legal ballot.
“Citizens of Pennsylvania deserve to have a voting process that they can trust!”
The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.
Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 /
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