Gaydos Says Resignation of Local Judge Following Tragic Death of State Officer is Necessary

October 24, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) is urging the resignation of Magisterial District Judge Xander Orenstein. This call comes after the judge released a man on no-cash bail who is accused of killing Liquor Control Enforcement Officer Benjamin Brallier, a member of the Pennsylvania State Police and a resident of the 44th Legislative District.

Gaydos issued the following statement:

“My heart goes out to Benjamin's family, friends and colleagues. We must unite to advocate for justice and reinforce our commitment to keeping our communities safe from violence and crime.

“It’s unacceptable Anthony Quesen, the suspect in this tragic case, was released without bail by Judge Orenstein after he was charged with the criminal assault and robbery of a man in Pittsburgh’s Point State Park in June 2023.We cannot allow crime to spill into our suburbs, and this raises serious questions about our judicial system's priorities. Those responsible for public safety must put the well-being of our residents first.

“This isn’t the first time Orenstein’s decisions have come under scrutiny by public officials. There needs to be a full investigation into his pattern of releasing dangerous individuals without appropriate oversight, including by the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board. The criminals Orenstein have been turning loose without bail have been free to roam the entire region. That cannot be tolerated!

“We owe it to Officer Brallier and to all citizens of Pennsylvania to ensure our courts protect public safety.”

Gaydos joins her colleagues in the House in seeking accountability for the judicial decisions that have endangered lives across the Commonwealth.

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 /

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