Gaydos Announces 2019-20 Committee Assignments
January 22, 2019
HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) today announced she will serve on four committees in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 2019-20 legislative session: The House Commerce, Education, Health and Liquor Control committees.
“I am honored to serve on these important committees this session,” said Gaydos. “Committees are where the real work of the General Assembly take place. I am eager to use my 25 years of business and entrepreneurial expertise from the private sector and a lifetime of real-world family experience to guide me as I vote and work on critical legislation and policy that runs through these committees.”
The House Commerce Committee is responsible for originating legislation and overseeing the implementation of programs which affect Pennsylvania companies and has primary jurisdiction over corporate governance through business corporation law. The Education Committee works on state issues involving workforce development, public and private schools, encompassing pre-K through grade 12 basic education, as well as post-secondary education.
“I am particularly excited to contribute and collaborate with my colleagues on the House Education and Commerce committees,” continued Gaydos. “These committees can collectively deal with issues that directly impact our economy such as workforce development. With my extensive background in business, I am dedicated to working on policies that attract new jobs to Pennsylvania and for educational initiatives that prepare our students to enter the workforce.”
The Health Committee focuses on issues such as patient safety, Medical Assistance and pharmaceutical issues. The Liquor Control Committee is responsible for issues relating to the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
“As a new member on these committees, I am looking forward to being on the front lines in dealing with legislation that will enhance Pennsylvania’s growing economy,” said Gaydos. “I am excited and ready to get to work to help ensure that the voice of the 44th District is heard!”
Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Brooke Haskell
717.260.6351 /
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