Gaydos Reacts to Budget Address

February 5, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) said today that she was optimistic about the governor’s 2019-20 state budget proposal.

“I am happy to hear that the governor’s budget plan doesn’t involve any new taxes and that he highlighted workforce development, an issue that I am very passionate about,” said Gaydos. “There were a few areas that I did not fully agree with, however, I believe that this is a reasonable starting point for us as we begin budget negotiations.”

For the 2019-20 fiscal year, Gov. Tom Wolf is proposing a $34.15 billion budget, with an increase of $927 million from last year’s proposal. The governor spoke broadly about his goals for the upcoming fiscal year and emphasized working on issues such as job creation, workforce development and education funding, especially for STEM education and technical apprenticeships.

“Strengthening our economy is a priority. I am looking forward to reviewing the details of this budget proposal during the budget hearings next week,” continued Gaydos. “These hearings are where we can get a better look at the details and where we can continue to eliminate wasteful state spending, while at the same time ensuring that our most vulnerable residents are taken care of.”

To view Gaydos’ comments, click here.

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Brooke Haskell
717.260.6351 /

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