School Safety Legislation and Resources in Pennsylvania

As your state representative, one of my highest priorities has always been ensuring the safety of our students and school staff. During my term, I have worked diligently to craft and co-sponsor legislation that enhances school security and creates a safer learning environment for all.

The well-being of our children is paramount, and I believe every student deserves the opportunity to learn in a place where they feel secure and protected. Whether it’s through strengthening building safety measures, increasing the presence of resource officers or improving communication systems during emergencies, I have been committed to addressing these critical issues.

Through collaboration with educators, law enforcement and fellow lawmakers, I’ve help pass key legislation that not only supports local school districts in their safety initiatives but also ensures they have the resources and guidance necessary to meet evolving challenges. In today's world, we must continue to innovate and invest in strategies to keep our schools safe from harm.

As I reflect on my tenure as a state representative, I remain steadfast in my commitment to improving school safety and advocating for legislation to prioritize the security of Pennsylvania's students, teachers and staff.

Click here to see some of the school legislation and resources we have in Pennsylvania.

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