The Gaydos Report:
News from the 44th |
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Pennsylvania's 44th Legislative District encompasses 14 municipalities including Aleppo Township, Bell Acres, Crescent Township, Edgeworth, Findlay Township, Glen Osborne, Glenfield, Haysville, Moon Township, North Fayette Township, Ohio Township, Sewickley, Sewickley Heights and Sewickley Hills.
Dear Friends,
Thank you to all the good people of the 44th Legislative district who put their trust in me to represent them in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Since being officially sworn in to office on Jan. 1, I have hit the ground running and it has been a busy time in Harrisburg and back at the district.
I am excited to begin my service by digging right into the job of touring our district’s many businesses, schools, community centers and more.
This newsletter will serve as a way for me to share with you what has been going on in Harrisburg and also provide some information, tips and resources for you!
I believe that communication is key and will help me do a better job of representing you in Harrisburg, so please don’t hesitate to contact me or my staff to let me know of any questions, concerns or thoughts you have regarding state government issues.
You may also stop by my district office anytime to introduce yourself to me or my staff.
I love having the opportunity to meet with my constituents and I want to make myself available to you.
I look forward to serving you as your State Representative!

Valerie Gaydos
With my wonderful District Office staff
Bonnie (District Office Manager) and
Jim (District Outreach Specialist).
If you ever need assistance with state-related issues,
please do not hesitate to call my office,
(412) 262-3780 |
Thank you for attending my District Office Open House!
On Friday, Feb. 15, I hosted my Open House in my Moon District Office. Throughout the day, we received a steady stream of over 200 constituents! It was great to see old friends and meet new ones! Thank you to the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce for putting together a ceremonial ribbon cutting to kick things off.
Thank you to everyone who came out, including attendees and elected officials of North Fayette Township, Findlay Township/Admin, Moon Township, Glen Osborne, Sewickley, Sewickley Hills Borough, Sewickley Borough, Crescent Township, Ohio Township Police Department, Edgeworth and Aleppo Township.
My Response to the Governor’s Budget Proposal
On Tuesday, Feb. 5, Governor Tom Wolf presented his budget address to the general assembly.
After listening to the governor’s budget proposal, I am happy to hear that the governor’s budget plan doesn’t involve any new taxes and that he highlighted workforce development, an issue that I am very passionate about.
There were a few areas that I did not fully agree with, however, I believe that this is a reasonable starting point for us as we begin budget negotiations.
For the 2019-20 fiscal year, Gov. Tom Wolf is proposing a $34.15 billion budget, with an increase of $927 million from last year’s proposal. The governor spoke broadly about his goals for the upcoming fiscal year and emphasized working on issues such as job creation, workforce development and education funding, especially for STEM education and technical apprenticeships.
Strengthening our economy is a priority. I am looking forward to reviewing the details of this budget proposal as we review it in the upcoming weeks.
Committee Assignments for the 2019-20 Session
For the 2019-20 legislative session, I was assigned to serve on the follow standing house committees: The House Commerce, Education, Health and Liquor Control committees.
I am honored to serve on these important committees this session. Committees are where the real work of the General Assembly take place and I am eager to use my 25 years of business and entrepreneurial expertise from the private sector and a lifetime of real-world family experience to guide me as I vote and work on critical legislation and policy that runs through these committees.
The House Commerce Committee is responsible for originating legislation and overseeing the implementation of programs which affect Pennsylvania companies and has primary jurisdiction over corporate governance through business corporation law. The Education Committee works on state issues involving workforce development, public and private schools, encompassing pre-K through grade 12 basic education, as well as post-secondary education.
I am particularly excited to contribute and collaborate with my colleagues on the House Education and Commerce committees. These committees can collectively deal with issues that directly impact our economy such as workforce development. With my extensive background in business, I am dedicated to working on policies that attract new jobs to Pennsylvania and for educational initiatives that prepare our students to enter the workforce.
The Health Committee focuses on issues such as patient safety, Medical Assistance and
pharmaceutical issues. The Liquor Control Committee is responsible for issues relating to the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
As a new member on these committees, I am looking forward to being on the front lines in dealing with legislation that will enhance Pennsylvania’s growing economy. I am excited and ready to get to work to help ensure that the voice of the 44th District is heard!
Good Jobs for PA: Focusing on education and family sustaining careers
With over 25 years of business and entrepreneurial experience, I have learned that a key to economic success for all Pennsylvanians and the Commonwealth is to ensure our
students and workers are prepared to fill the good-paying jobs of today and tomorrow.
Recently, House Republicans launched a new initiative called #GoodJobs4PA, which focuses efforts to enhance our workforce development system to help students, under-employed and unemployed adults, as well as returning military veterans and others enter fulfilling, family-sustaining careers.
The bills aim to address the skills gap and worker shortages faced by industries across the state, as well as enhance educational programs and access to those opportunities for workers of all ages.
As part of the Agenda on Workforce Development, I joined the Republican Policy Committee on a tour of the impressive training facilities of Operating Engineers Local 66 in New Alexandria; Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters in Pittsburgh; and a tour at the Steamfitters Local 449 Technology Center in Harmony. |
Preparing PA Students for Careers
As a foundational part of the #GoodJobs4PA initiative, the House Education Committee unveiled a package of bills aimed at improving career and technical education (CTE) in Pennsylvania.
The package of bills includes:
- House Bill 265, which would expand the online database that allows students and potential students to plan where courses, programs, certificates and diplomas transfer among public schools and institutions of higher education.
- House Bill 297, which would direct the State Department of Education to develop materials outlining workforce needs, including training opportunities and future earning potential.
- House Bill 334, which would expedite the approval of important educational programs to respond better to industry and workforce demands.
- House Bill 393 (to be introduced soon), which would create an online career resource center.
- House Bill 394 (to be introduced soon), which would require the Pennsylvania Department of Education to inventory workforce development programs offered at secondary and postsecondary institutions.
- House Bill 395, which would require CTE programs to establish occupational advisory committees.
- House Bill 396, which would add at least one member from a Career and Technical Center to each Workforce Development Board.
- House Bill 522, which would create a CTE investment incentive program, including tax credits for contributions to support CTE programs and enrollment expansion programs.
These bills are designed to increase awareness of job-training opportunities and high-demand careers for students.
Around the District…
Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Legislative Meet and Greet
I recently attended the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) legislative meet and greet.
The SPC is a 10-county regional transportation commission in Southwestern PA that is responsible for the planning and prioritizing of state and federal transportation funds allocated to the region.
Roads, bridges, and mass transit are vital to our region's growth and economy.
Meeting with Allegheny County Executive
Jim Scott, my district outreach specialist, and I were pleased to meet with Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald to discuss and review activities, plans, changes and economic development in and around the Pittsburgh International Airport area.
As the newly appointed Chair of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic Development, I am particularly thrilled to see our region thrive!
Sewickley YMCA Senior Men’s Club
I recently had the opportunity to speak to the Sewickley YMCA Senior Men’s Club to provide an update on what’s happening in Harrisburg and to field questions.
I also had the honor of introducing my good friend Bob Kunkle from Honor Flight Pittsburgh to talk about the good work he is doing in taking U.S. Military veterans to Washington, DC.
Information to Assist YOU…
Veterans Benefits
Ensuring Pennsylvania’s 800,000 veterans get all of the benefits they have earned is an important mission of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and state lawmakers.
Veterans are also encouraged to sign up for the DMVA’s Veterans Registry at www.register.dmva.pa.gov to get timely information about state benefits, programs and services.
DMVA also offers two Mobile Veterans Outreach Vans that travel the Commonwealth to give veterans one-on-one assistance so they can learn about and apply for the benefits they have earned.
Each van is staffed with accredited veterans service officers and is wheelchair-accessible. Last year the vans visited 107 community events helping 1,500 veterans. To learn more about the vans, and schedule one for a community event, click here. This page also includes a calendar of upcoming events
DCNR Grant Applications
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Recreation and Conservation Grants Program will be accepting applications from Jan. 22 to April 10. The Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (BRC) provides technical and grant assistance in support of community projects that help plan, acquire and develop parks, recreation facilities, trails and conserve critical conservation areas and watersheds.
BRC will also focus grant funds on other Bureau priorities including: Community Parks and Recreation, Land Conservation/Watershed Protection, Watershed Restoration/Rivers Implementation and Trails.
For more information on available grant programs, visit www.dcnr.pa.gov/Communities/Grants. Potential applicants for DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program grants are encouraged to participate in either or both of two upcoming grant webinars (Jan. 30 and Feb. 27).
To register, visit www.dncr.pa.gov, click on “Events” and use the search box to search the keyword “grants.”
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Applications Available
Applications for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program are now available on my website, and at my district office(s).
The program is designed to help eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older to receive up to a $650 rebate from the property taxes or rent they paid last year.
To be eligible, homeowners must earn less than $35,000 a year and renters less than $15,000 with half of Social Security income excluded.
Certain supplemental rebates can boost homeowner rebates up to $975. The supplemental rebates are automatically calculated by the Department of Revenue for qualifying homeowners. Residents should not pay a private entity for assistance in filing the forms. Copies of the forms, as well as assistance with filing them, are available at my office at no cost.
Applicants should be prepared to provide all the necessary income, property tax or rental information required to process claims quickly and accurately. Applications are due by June 30.
Office Locations |
District Office: |
1009 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 220, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783 |
Capitol Office: |
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, PO Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 | |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com |