The Latest News from Your State Representative |
Please do not reply to this e-mail, as I am unable to respond to messages sent to this address. You can contact me directly at vgaydos@pahousegop.com or here. |
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Abraham Lincoln stated, “Government [is] of the people, by the people, for the people.” We the people employ government to work for us. And we the people should never be scared or threatened by our own government.
That is why in early February I signed on to a letter to the acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam urging the department to drop their lawsuit against more than 46 of our bar and restaurant owners that resumed business operations during the COVID-19 shutdown. More than half of my colleagues also signed the letter. I am pleased to report that our efforts were successful and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) has withdrawn the suit to allow the targeted restaurants to go on with business without threat from government.
These lawsuits brought about by the governor might have looked professional, but once they were closely examined, they had little legal merit and were doomed to fail. The Wolf administration wasted time and frivolously spent tens of thousands of dollars of our tax dollars to needlessly scare/stress people who were already suffering. I am glad to see that the people have spoken and we are now moving forward to start working on corrective actions not punitive actions for our citizens.
Click here to read the letter my colleagues and I wrote to DOH.
Valerie Gaydos |
House Approves Gaydos’ Human Trafficking Legislation
Rep. Gaydos’ legislation that would better protect the victims of human trafficking overwhelmingly passed the House this weeklong with a series of other bills to do the same.
Gaydos’ bill, House Bill 1147, would expand the list of sexual offenses that require offenders to attend and participate in a Department of Corrections program of counseling and therapy designed for incarcerated sex offenders.
Gaydos spoke on the bill to her colleagues on the House floor. Click here to watch her comments.
This legislation is necessary as a result of additions made to the list of sexual offenses (human trafficking) in the Crimes Code, specifically the definition of sexual servitude. Research has shown mental health treatment to be vital for offenders of sexual crimes.
House Bill 1147 now moves on to the Senate for consideration.
Other bills in this series that were advanced by the House this week include:
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House Bill 246 would prohibit defendants in human trafficking cases from introducing evidence of a victim’s past sexual victimization or allegations. |
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House Bill 580 would allow expert testimony in court on the dynamics of sexual servitude and other criminal offenses involving sexual abuse of a minor. |
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House Bill 753 would strengthen the penalty for “Dealing in Infant Children” from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the first degree as infants are trafficked for future enslavement. |
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House Bill 843 would add human trafficking offenses to the list of convictions affecting a child custody determination. |
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House Bill 1096 would allow lawsuits against human traffickers to be brought either where the victim resides or where the violations occurred. |
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House Bill 1130 would add human trafficking offenses involving sexual servitude to the list of offenses requiring perpetrators to register under the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). |
Moving Forward After Constitutional Ballot Questions Pass
Responding to the voters’ approval last week of constitutional amendments aimed at restoring the balance of power in state government and returning the Commonwealth to more normal operations, the House State Government Committee has advanced a resolution ending the most destructive portions of Gov. Tom Wolf’s disaster emergency declaration.
House Resolution 106 would put an end to the administration’s ability to participate in no-bid, single-source contracting; reestablish work search requirements waived by the Department of Labor and Industry for people receiving unemployment compensation; and end the ability of the governor to use the emergency disaster declaration to dictate occupancy limits, business closures and stay-at-home orders.
Lawmakers are in the process of reviewing the more than 140 pages of regulatory changes and suspensions issued by the administration during the disaster emergency to assess the value of maintaining some of them or more gradually ending them so as not to disrupt operations at hospitals, government agencies, businesses and more. For example, during the pandemic, insurance companies have been required to fully reimburse health care providers for telemedicine; and we would like to ensure that this option, which has been valuable for patients and providers alike will remain.
The resolution is now pending consideration by the full House.
Bureau of Election Audits Proposed to Boost Public Trust
Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) has introduced legislation to establish a Pennsylvania Bureau of Election Audits under the office of the state’s auditor general.
The bureau would be required to conduct result-confirming audits of each election in the Commonwealth, completed by the third Friday following the election.
The audits would comprehensively examine all future elections, looking at all aspects of the process and results, including equipment, absentee and mail-in ballots, performance audits of election systems at least every five years, and any other audit deemed necessary by the Bureau of Election Audits to ensure the public trust in the outcome of each election. Additionally, the bureau would be required to provide corrective action plans to address any errors or deficiencies discovered in the audit.
The bureau would be established with a new appropriation in the state budget of $3.1 million.
The bill is awaiting consideration by the House State Government Committee.
Constitutional Carry, Local Preemption Bills Advance
The House Judiciary Committee has approved two bills aimed at protecting Pennsylvanians’ Second Amendment rights.
House Bill 659 would make Pennsylvania the 22nd state in the nation to implement “constitutional carry.” Specifically, the bill proposes to put an end to the requirement for a law-abiding citizen to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm within the Commonwealth. An optional permit would be made available to those who wish to obtain it for purposes of carrying outside the state. The measure fully recognizes the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right that should not require further permission of the government.
House Bill 979 would improve enforcement of existing state law that prohibits municipalities from imposing their own regulations on firearms and ammunition. Specifically, the bill would deter illegal ordinances by holding offending jurisdictions financially responsible for attorney fees and costs, as well as any lost income, for a person who successfully challenges such an ordinance.
Both bills go to the full House for consideration.
Second Amendment supporters will also want to mark your calendars for Monday, June 7, for the annual Rally to Protect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The rally will be held on the front steps of the state Capitol in Harrisburg starting at 10 a.m.
Lobbyist Reform Measures Introduced
A package of lobby reform bills to improve openness and transparency, limit lobbyist influence and ensure ethical conduct of all lobbyists operating in the Commonwealth was unveiled at the Capitol this week.
If adopted, the measures would represent the first major reform to the state’s lobbying laws in 15 years.
The bills would require lobbyists to disclose and register any lobbying client conflicts with the Department of State; register with the Department of State any equity they may hold in an entity on whose behalf they are lobbying; register with the Department of State for any clients for whom they seek state financial assistance; and complete annual mandatory ethics training. Lobbyists would be prohibited from receiving or giving referral payments, and from collecting incentives through a third party upon a successful public taxpayer dollar-funded state grant program.
The package also includes bills to require campaign consultants to register with the Department of State and prohibit them from being registered lobbyists; and prohibit any state agency or entity from hiring an outside lobbyist.
Grants Available for Broadband Service in Rural Areas
Continuing the effort to bring high-speed internet service to rural areas of the state, the Commonwealth Financing Authority is now accepting applications for much-needed grant funding.
The Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Program (UHSB) will begin accepting applications June 1.
A total of $5 million is available to nongovernmental entities which have the technical, managerial and financial expertise to design, build and operate a high-speed broadband service infrastructure in unserved areas. Proposed projects should offer access to high-speed broadband services that will enhance economic development, education, health care and emergency services.
Additional information and the application are available here. The deadline to apply is Sept. 24.
Honoring Our Heroes
Monday, May 31, is Memorial Day – a day set aside to honor the more than 1.1 million Americans who have died in wars which the United States entered.
Please take a moment this weekend to remember these men and women who sacrificed their lives for us and for our country and consider participating in Memorial Day events in your community.
For more information on Memorial Day and its history, click here.
REMINDER: Spend Time Outdoors, Enjoy Nature, Fish for Free on May 30!
If you’ve been thinking about trying fishing or want to introduce your child or a friend to this great outdoor activity, you’ll have a great chance to do so this weekend!
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will host the first of its two annual Fish for Free Days this Sunday, May 30.
On Fish for Free Days, anyone -- resident or non-resident -- can legally fish on all Pennsylvania waterways without a license. All other fishing regulations will still apply.
For your convenience, there are even opportunities to borrow equipment from certain sites at state parks and other locations. You can find those locations by clicking here.
The second Fish for Free day is scheduled for Sunday, July 4.
Check Out Gaydos’ New Office
Rep. Gaydos invites her constituents from the 44th District to stop by her new office located at 1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106 in Moon Township. The office is at street level to provide easier access to her constituents.
In addition, the office is easier to find. They are located directly behind American Flag in the plaza. If you have a question or concern, stop by and Rep. Gaydos and her staff will lend a helping hand.
Looking Good!
Rep. Gaydos took time out of her busy schedule to have some fun by volunteering with Duquesne Light employees and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to plant community flower gardens in the area. This month, more than 20 Duquesne Light volunteers planted gardens in Moon Township and Shadyside.
In addition to being a beautiful sight for passersby, the gardens are important habitats for native pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Office Locations |
District Office: |
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783 |
Capitol Office: |
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 | |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com |