The Latest News from Your State Representative |
Please do not reply to this e-mail, as I am unable to respond to messages sent to this address. You can contact me directly at vgaydos@pahousegop.com or here. |
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Affordable health care is a priority issue especially for small businesses. Small businesses often pay more for employee health benefits because they do not have the buying power of big employers. On average, small businesses paid about 8% to 18% more than large firms for the same health insurance policy. Did you know that prior to Affordable Care Act (ACA), businesses were permitted to pool together through their trade association to get more affordable rates? However, when ACA passed that disappeared and small businesses have been scrambling ever since. ACA has been both discriminatory and punitive to small business, and that must end immediately.
Join me and my colleagues at the 2021 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference on Friday, June 11, and Saturday, June 12, at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill, near Harrisburg.
I will be participating on a panel discussion called "Health Care Reimagined" to discuss my House Bill 555 (Association Health Plans) and other measures that we must take to provide more affordable options for the little guy.
Registration for the 2021 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is available at www.paleadershipconference.org.
Valerie Gaydos |
Gaydos Shredding Event June 12!
Memorial Day 2021
Rep. Gaydos observed Memorial Day at several different venues. She attended the Leetsdale VFW 3372 where people were treated to a sighting of the C17, a reading of Johnny Cash’s Ragged Old Flag by Bryan O’Neill from American Legion Post 4, followed by a flag retirement ceremony with Sewickley Boy Scout Troop 243.
Rep. Gaydos participated at the dedication of a new memorial at the VFW Keith-Holmes Post 402. The Keynote address was delivered by Col. John Pippy. Also, in attendance was Rep. Anita Kulik (D-Allegheny); Sewickley Mayor George Shannon; Coraopolis Mayor Shawn Reed; and Congressman Connor Lamb.
Rep. Gaydos had the honor of joining a memorial service with Glenfield Valley Veterans to recognize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy today and for recognizing the national moment of silence at 3 p.m. Gaydos appreciates the American Legion Post 4 members for their service and delivering the 21-gun salute.
In addition, Rep. Gaydos visited a remembrance ceremony at Sewickley Cemetery. Gaydos was honored to share her thoughts about what Memorial Day means to her and the number of lives that have been lost so that we may enjoy our todays.
Pictured with her are members of the Pittsburgh Chapter DAR (left),
Susan Matlack (Regent), Rebecca Stein, Jane Louik, Mary Kennedy Withrow and Dominic Munizza.
Gaydos Applauds Keystone Historic Preservation Grant Awarded to Moon Township
Rep. Gaydos is pleased to announce that the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) awarded a $100,000 grant to the Mooncrest Historic District in Moon Township.
The Keystone Historic Preservation Grant will be used to rehabilitate and preserve a school building originally built in the 1940s for Mooncrest, a mixed-use, pedestrian friendly, planned residential development built by the federal government for defense workers during World War II. It will serve as an activity center with special interest for a pre-school and youth activities. Improvements will include asbestos removal, new HVAC, fire suppression, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) restrooms, kitchen, windows and lighting.
Funding under the program is available to nonprofit organizations and local governments for capital improvements on historic resources listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
It is very satisfying to know that we are giving a significant piece of local history a new, fresh look nearly 75 years after it was initially built.
Mooncrest is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. More information can be found here.
Righting a Wrong on Child Sexual Abuse Constitutional Amendment Ballot Question
Earlier this year, it was revealed the Department of State failed in its responsibility to properly advertise a ballot question that proposed to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to allow survivors of childhood sex abuse to seek justice by filing civil suits against their alleged abusers.
That failure to advertise prevented the question from being included on the May 18 primary election ballot and forced lawmakers to restart the years-long process of amending the Constitution.
To help prevent the failure to advertise in the future, the House passed legislation that would change advertisement duties from the secretary of the Department of State to the nonpartisan Legislative Reference Bureau or a successor legislative agency chosen by the General Assembly. This would include writing the ballot question as well as a summary of the amendment. In order to make this change, the state Constitution would have to be amended. If House Bill 1010 passes in the Senate this session, and an identical bill is passed in both chambers in the 2023-24 session, the question would go to the voters.
In the meantime, the House established a Select Committee on the Publication of Constitutional Amendments to conduct hearings to assess the current process, gather testimony and make recommendations. The select committee will help obtain answers the Department of State has been unwilling to provide and a recent report of the situation by the Office of Inspector General failed to include.
Pro-Life Legislation Earns Committee Approval
Following a series of hearings on pro-life and abortion issues, the House Health Committee, of which I am a member, has approved three landmark pro-life measures.
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The Unborn Child Dignity Act (House Bill 118): Would require healthcare facilities to give parents the option of burial or cremation after the death of their unborn child. Hospital policies vary but too often these babies are treated as “medical hazardous waste” and not given the dignity they deserve. |
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The Heartbeat Bill (House Bill 904): Would prohibit an abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected. |
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The Down Syndrome Protection Act (House Bill 1500): Would protect an unborn child from being aborted due to a prenatal diagnosis of possible Down syndrome. |
The measures now go to the full House for consideration.
COVID-19 Rental Assistance Available
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is available for renters of residential properties who are at risk of eviction or utility shutoffs due to hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Landlords can apply for assistance on behalf of tenants and receive assistance directly if the tenant is eligible.
Households may be eligible for up to 12 months of assistance to cover past-due or future rental and/or utility payments. The amount of a household’s monthly rent or utility bills does not preclude eligibility, but the amount of ERAP assistance provided to a household is determined by program administrators at the county level.
Assistance can be provided to a tenant in a residential rental property for future rental payments and for unpaid rental or utility arrears that were accrued on or after March 13, 2020. Counties may choose to provide additional assistance to eligible households if funds remain available.
Residential tenants can apply for themselves, or a landlord can apply on behalf of a current tenant. Additionally, landlords do not have to agree to participate in the program for tenants to receive assistance.
To qualify for assistance, a household must be responsible to pay rent on a residential property and meet ALL of the following criteria:
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One or more people within the household has qualified for unemployment benefits, had a decrease in income, had increased household costs, or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
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One or more individuals in the household can show a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability. |
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The household has an income at or below 80% of area median income, which varies by county. Income limits by county are available and can be found here. Resources such as bank accounts and cars are not relevant for ERAP eligibility. |
Learn more about the program and how to apply here.
Pennsylvania’s Economic Brief
Pennsylvania collected $3.9 billion in General Fund revenue in May, which was $1.6 billion more than anticipated. Fiscal year-to-date General Fund collections total $36.6 billion, which is nearly $3 billion above estimate.
Personal income tax (PIT) revenue and sales tax receipts, the two primary sources of tax revenue, were both significantly higher. PIT revenue in May was $1 billion above estimate as a result of the Department of Revenue extending the deadline for filing 2020 personal income tax returns and making final 2020 income tax payments. This brings year-to-date PIT collections to $14.9 billion, which is more than $747 million above estimate.
Sales tax receipts totaled $1.2 billion for May, nearly $212 million above estimate and leaving year-to-date sales tax collections nearly $742 million more than anticipated.
On May 26, the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) released its revised fiscal year 2020-21 General Fund revenue estimate which was $40.111 billion, or $3.16 billion, over the official estimate. In order to meet this estimate for the fiscal year, June collections would need to exceed the monthly estimate by $287.7 million.
PHEAA and PA529 Discuss How to Cover the Gap
Join financial aid experts Linda Pacewicz and Dan Wray of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) and PA 529 expert Kelly Davis of the Pennsylvania Treasury for an informative webinar on paying for higher education.
This webinar emphasizes best practices, such as filing the FAFSA, seeking grants and scholarships first, and saving for college. Education loans are included in the discussion as well.
The webinar will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 10; Thursday, June 24; and Tuesday, June 29.
To register, please click here.
Produce Vouchers Available to PA Seniors, WIC Recipients
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is once again offering its Farmers Market Nutrition Program to low-income seniors and people receiving benefits through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
The Farmers Market Nutrition Program offers qualified seniors and families four $6 checks to redeem at qualified farmers’ markets or roadside stands. The checks may be used for fresh fruits and vegetables that were grown in, or can be grown in, PA. The checks may not be used to purchase processed foods, such as jams, honeys, cider or baked goods, or for citrus and other tropical fruits.
Click here to find the nearest participating market.
Families receiving WIC are eligible for the program, as are senior citizens age 60 and older who meet income guidelines. For a single senior, income may not exceed $23,828. For a two-person household, income may not exceed $32,227.
Checks are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply, contact the county Office of Aging. Additional information about the program is available here.
Gaydos Attends Grand Opening
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the grand opening of Sen. Devlin Robinson’s new Robinson Twp. district office. The address of his office is 200 Cedar Ridge Drive, suite 206. I am looking forward to working with Sen. Robinson on legislation that will benefit our constituents.
Office Locations |
District Office: |
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783 |
Capitol Office: |
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 | |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com |