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A child’s health is the foundation of all growth and development. It is essential that we promote and implement healthy lifestyles. That is why I am teaming up with Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-Allegheny) and the Sewickley Valley YMCA to host National Healthy Kids Day on Saturday, April 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Sewickley Valley YMCA.

National Healthy Kids Day is the YMCA’s national initiative to improve the health and well-being of children and families. For more than 30 years, YMCAs and their communities have hosted free community events aimed to inspire kids and families to keep their minds and bodies active throughout the summer months and beyond.

All activities are designed to inspire kids to get active while simultaneously teaching families how to develop routines that support mental and physical health at home.

Project D.U.M.P. (Disposal of Unused/Expired Medications Properly) will be attending the event. As a response to the opioid epidemic afflicting families across the nation, specifically in western Pennsylvania, Project D.U.M.P. asks residents to gather expired unused meds at home and dispose of them properly.

The Sewickley Valley YMCA is located at 625 Blackburn Drive in Sewickley.

I hope to see you at National Healthy Kids Day!


Valerie Gaydos
Appointed to Serve on America250PA Commission

I was proud to recently be appointed by former Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) to be the House Republican Caucus designee for the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (America250PA). In addition, I was chosen to be a member of the Fundraising and Historical Preservation committees.

I am excited to be a part of the America250PA Commission to help celebrate 250 years of all of the many great opportunities, inventions and innovations that America has offered to its citizens and to the world.

America250PA was established by the Legislature and governor in 2018 to plan, encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States, Pennsylvania’s integral role in that event, and the impact of its people on the nation’s past, present, and future. Commission members are comprised of current and past leaders of Pennsylvania, private citizens and industry leaders celebrating the rich history and diversity of the state.

The big event is just over three years away, but from federal and state agencies to local museums, planning is continuing at a rapid place with Pennsylvania taking a lead role.

To hear my talk about the 250th anniversary celebration and the passion I have for the United States, visit here.
Out and About in the 44th District

Recently, I had a great time at Brewhaha, the Hollow Oak Land Trust Annual Fundraiser at the Mayernik Center at Avonworth Community Park.

Brewhaha features 10 of Pittsburgh’s finest craft breweries along with a five-course tasting menu. Proceeds from the event go to support the mission of Hollow Oak Land Trust – protecting and connecting greenspace in western Pennsylvania.

Hollow Oak Land Trust owns five conservation areas with more than 550 acres in Moon, Kennedy, Franklin Park, North Fayette and Hopewell townships in Allegheny County.

Hollow Oak Land Trust also owns two conservation easements for the 90-acre Sahli Nature Park in Chippewa Township, Beaver.

A special thank you goes out to Executive Director Sean Brady for his hospitality.

I was a guest speaker at the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association (PRLA) Advocacy Boot Camp for members of the hospitality, travel and tourism industries in State College.

I shared my thoughts on the upcoming legislative session. We had a lively discussion about some of the issues we face such as the budget, jobs, health care and education, as well as legislation that I will be introducing.

I thank PRLA for naming me “Most Enthusiastic Issue Champion/Bill Sponsor” for my work on advocating for more affordable health care options for hospitality workers. In addition, the award acknowledges legislators who have worked to advance the hospitality, travel and tourism industries, and to continue to ensure restaurants, hotels, and the broader tourism industry in Pennsylvania have a seat at the table when policy decisions are made.

Recently at the Capitol, the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations hosted Cornucopia, an event to celebrate and sample some of Pennsylvanian’s best food products. It’s always great to see local food products highlighted at statewide events. I am pictured with Pennsylvania Honey Queen Paige Rhyne and Mark Gingrich, president of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association.
Equity in Education

In the near future, I will be introducing legislation that would require school districts to begin to compile information listing the number of gifted children in the school. Currently in Pennsylvania, school districts are not compensated for gifted programs through the current special education formula.

In the legislation that I plan to introduce, all exceptional students including those deemed as gifted would be captured in the school district’s weighted special education student headcount. This would allow additional compensation to school districts to ensure that gifted students are getting the assistance they need.

Once the bill is officially introduced, it will be assigned to a House committee.
Awards for Local Government Excellence

This week, we celebrated Local Government Week in Pennsylvania. A special thank you to every mayor, council member, township supervisor, school board member and any other local government personnel that work so hard to make our communities safe, healthy and prosperous places to live and raise our families.

Aleppo Township received the information technology award. The township has adopted new and modern technology that has allowed residents to be more active in their community. By giving the residents the ability to stream meetings, receive emails breaking down topics discussed at meetings, watch videos of meetings and search digests from the last six years through an indexed database on the township’s website, Aleppo Township is providing its residents with a refreshing form of communication. Residents no longer need to put their lives on hold to attend a meeting because, if they miss a meeting, Aleppo Township will still be able to provide updates on every topic and every outcome through videos and digests, serving as an example of transparency.

At their next monthly meeting on Monday, April 17, I will present township officials with a House of Representatives citation highlighting their outstanding work.
Grants Awarded for Improvement Projects in the 44th District

In an effort to improve safety, transportation, infrastructure and water quality, it is my pleasure to announce the awarding of nearly $1 million in state funding for community improvements in the 44th Legislative District.

The local grants included:
• Bell Acres Borough - $169,976 to replace aging equipment, which includes a backhoe, commercial mower and police car.
• Crescent Township - $209,000 to install security cameras at 10 Creswell Heights Joint Authority-owned locations in their service area of Beaver and Allegheny counties.
• Leet Township - $94,600 to replace the existing water line along School Street, which is currently a 4-inch diameter cast iron pipe.
• Moon Township - $460,155 to develop a final design plan for Montour Run Road and Market Place Boulevard to include plans, specifications and estimate package for construction of transportation infrastructure to accommodate future commercial development.
• Moon Township - $55,000 to purchase a new boiler system at the Valley Ambulance headquarters building.

The Local Share Account grants, which support economic development, job training, community improvement and public interest projects through gaming funds, were approved and awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
Budget Hearings Conclude

The House Appropriations Committee has concluded its review of the governor’s $46 billion spending proposal for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

During the last several weeks of budget hearings in Harrisburg, lawmakers questioned officials and cabinet secretaries throughout the new administration. The Department of Human Services was questioned about efforts and plans to limit waste, fraud and abuse, as well as federal changes in the Medicaid program.

Additional hearings featured the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). As a member of the DCED Small Business Council, I participated in the hearing. Our questions focused on how the department intends to grow our economy through responsible initiative training workers for the jobs of today and tomorrow. I believe DCED should be coordinating job training programs with other government agencies, as well as private industry and colleges and universities.

We also heard testimony from the departments of Labor and Industry, Revenue, as well as the Office of Inspector General, state and school employee retirement systems, the Public Utility Commission and the governor’s budget office.

Video of all three weeks of hearings is available here.
Voter Registration Deadline May 1

Pennsylvanians who are not already registered to vote but wish to participate in the May 16 municipal primary election should be sure to register no later than Monday, May 1.

To be eligible to vote in the primary, you must be a citizen of the United States for at least one month before the election; a resident of the election district in which you register to vote for at least 30 days before the primary; and at least 18 years of age on or before the date of the primary.

Under the law, only voters registered as Republicans or Democrats may vote for candidates in the primary election. Ballot questions are open to all voters.

Citizens may register to vote online here.

Not sure of your registration status? Please click here.
Applications Now Open for State Police Academy

Considering a career in law enforcement? The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) is actively recruiting individuals for three upcoming cadet classes.

Applicants to the State Police Academy must be at least 20 years old by the date their application is completed. They must be at least 21 years old and cannot have reached their 40th birthday before their appointment as a cadet.

After graduation from the academy, a trooper’s starting base salary will be $65,763. Members and their dependents are eligible for no-cost medical, dental, vision and prescription drug coverage.

All applicant requirements and job benefits can be found here.
Stay Alert in Work Zones

Next week is National Work Zone Awareness Week, a time to remind drivers to be cautious, alert and respectful while traveling through areas of roadway and bridge construction.

When you encounter work zones, PennDOT offers the following tips: drive the posted work zone speed limit; stay alert and pay attention to signs and flaggers; maintain a safe distance around vehicles; use flashers if traveling slowly; avoid distractions; and be patient.

State law requires motorists to travel with their headlights on in all posted work zones, not just active work zones. Daytime running lights are not sufficient; drivers must have their headlights on to also activate their taillights.

Drivers also should be aware that interstate work zones with a project cost exceeding $300,000 will have a speed-monitoring device to alert motorists of their speed prior to entering the work zone.

For more information about work zone safety, click here. Remember: The men and women working on our roadways are parents, children, siblings and spouses. They deserve to return home from work each day safely.
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District Office:
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783
Capitol Office:
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com