The Latest News from Your State Representative |
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Crafting a Fiscally Responsible Budget for all Pennsylvanians
Adopting a state budget each year is one of the most important tasks of the General Assembly. I take seriously my commitment to ensure your tax dollars are invested responsibly to support the core functions of government.
Last week House Democrats piled on to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s already bloated budget and forced through a nearly $46.5 billion spending plan. That’s a $5.7 billion, or 14%, increase over the current year. This level of spending is unsustainable and, if enacted, would lead to a 30% tax hike in the near future.
While many recipients of state funding deserve a raise, increasing a budget by such a large amount is not sustainable. A double-digit spending increase will bankrupt our Commonwealth. In addition, this budget will cripple small businesses that are still trying to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, the government shutdown and a poor economy.
We cannot and should not spend money we don’t have. Our citizens should not pay higher taxes to pay for a bigger government.
Equally damaging is the inclusion of a $663 million energy tax on Pennsylvania employers and consumers. According to the nonpartisan Independent Fiscal Office (IFO), this tax would increase electricity rates by nearly four times.
In order to protect families from surging energy costs, I attended a House Republican Policy Committee press conference on Monday to spotlight the adverse effects associated with the energy tax known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). It would kill family-sustaining jobs and prosperity, which will lead to more people leaving the Commonwealth.
Click here to view the entire press conference.
House Bill 611 now goes to the Senate, where I am hopeful it will be amended to reflect the needs and wishes of our hard-working taxpayers in the Commonwealth.
Valerie Gaydos |
Energy Diversification from Leetsdale Highlighted at CLEANPOWER Conference
It was my pleasure to speak at this year’s CLEANPOWER Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. Approximately 8,300 people from around the globe attended. Fellow speakers included notable names such as U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and even former NBA star Earvin “Magic” Johnson, who is the chief executive officer of Magic Johnson Enterprises.
My panel focused on the issue of messaging clean energy. It’s a subject that hits home for us in the 44th Legislative District. Leetsdale is home to BCI Steel’s plant and Nextracker. They produce solar tracker equipment for large-scale solar power plants.
Renewable energy sources can provide affordable, reliable energy without producing harmful emissions. U.S. clean energy innovation and manufacturing create jobs, improve community resilience and bolster national security.
The event was hosted by CLEANPOWER. The organization brings together policy leaders, industry experts and clean energy companies to grow the industry.
Rally to Provide More Health Care Benefits to Employees
Recently, at the Capitol, Americans for Prosperity – Pennsylvania hosted a press conference in support of my legislation to provide more affordable health care benefits to employees.
House Bill 555 would require that a group or association health plan being offered is fully insured, provides essential health benefits and protects small businesses and employees. The association health plan coverage would be guaranteed issued and renewable, prohibiting denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition, providing essential health benefits and plans comparable to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans.
Click here to watch my comments.
To watch the entire press conference, click here.
This legislation would allow for the pooling together of members of trade or professional organizations such as independent medical practices, nonprofit organizations, farmers, realtors and restaurateurs. This is already done in 32 other states.
Borough of Sewickley to Receive Historic Preservation Grant
I am pleased to announce that the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) awarded $7,500 in funding to the Borough of Sewickley. The money comes from the Keystone Historic Preservation (KHP) Grant Program.
The funding will be used for the borough-wide cultural resource survey with a review and update of the historic district ordinances in tandem with planning and zoning policies. Coupled with a community engagement program, these components will form the borough’s preservation plan to provide a framework of guiding principles when managing its historical assets.
It is very satisfying to know that we are giving a significant piece of local history a new, fresh look. I was happy to advocate for this important funding.
Funding under the program is available to nonprofit organizations and local governments for capital improvements on historic resources listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
Historic preservation provides a link to the roots of the community and its people.
Out and About!
It was my pleasure to present Joe Martonik with a House of Representatives citation after being awarded the 2023 Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals (PASAP) Distinguished Service Award.
Joe was a teacher at the Moon Area School District for more than 35 years. He retired from the district as an educator and returned within two weeks as the Student Assistance Professional Coordinator.
Joe also works closely with community providers such as Holy Family Institute, The Bradley Center and the Moon Area Police Department. His program is a model for many other surrounding districts.
Congratulations, Joe. This is a well-deserved honor.
Recently, I had the pleasure of joining my colleagues from the House Steel Caucus for a meeting at U.S. Steel’s Mon Valley Works, Irvin Plant, to discuss relevant public policy issues and the findings of a new study measuring the economic impact of the steel industry in Pennsylvania.
We also had the chance to tour this outstanding operation. The steel industry accounts for approximately 300,000 jobs across the Commonwealth and is a major player in our state’s economy.
In addition, the company has a Bald Eagle Camera at its Irvin Plant. Check it out.
Recently, I was invited to tour West View Water Authority (WVWA). It was a great learning experience, and the workforce is dedicated, determined and hard working.
WVWA supplies water to 32 municipalities and more than 200,000 people in portions of Allegheny, Beaver and Butler counties. In addition, it has two water treatment plants. The original plant is located on the tip of Neville Island along the shore of the Ohio River and has a capacity of 40 million gallons per day.
The new water treatment plant is located in Baden and has a capacity of 15 million gallons per day. Both plants source water is surface water obtained from intake structures in the Ohio River.
Thanks again for inviting me!
Saturday is the Big Day!
Office Locations |
District Office: |
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783 |
Capitol Office: |
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 | |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com |