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Please do not reply to this e-mail, as I am unable to respond to messages sent to this address. You can contact me directly at vgaydos@pahousegop.com or here.

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Step up to the microphone and tell me what’s on your mind. Tonight, I will be hosting my second “Open Mic” event. This forum is a great way for me to connect with more constituents in the 44th District face to face.

I want to converse with you about issues such as the state budget, health care, landslides in our area, property taxes and employment. These are just a few of the many items that we tackle at the state level.

All the information can be seen above. I hope to see you tonight!


Valerie Gaydos
Let's Get Connected

Our District

Web Site

Office Locations
District Office:
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783
Capitol Office:
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com