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Please Join My Telephone Town Hall Tonight

I will be hosting a telephone town hall meeting tonight (Monday), Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. and I hope you will participate.

Along with my dedicated staff, I have been very busy working to help our communities, but more work needs to be done and I’m asking for your assistance. I am hosting this town hall meeting to discuss state government-related issues, provide district updates, garner feedback on pending legislation, and relay what our offices can do for you.

I believe people deserve to have a forum to voice their concerns and discuss issues important to them. The people who participate at my meeting hold a variety of beliefs, and I have made a point to be accessible to everyone. It is important we learn from each other so we can grow as a community.

You may choose to simply listen in to the conversation or decide to ask a question. You can stay on the line for as long or as little as you wish.

Calls to invite your participation will start going out just prior to 7 p.m. If you miss the call or don’t receive one, there are two additional options to participate:
  •   Dial 1-877-229-8493 and when asked for the ID code, please enter 118497.
  •   Listen on your personal computer, tablet or smartphone using the web audio streaming link here.

I look forward to discussing the issues with you.
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Office Locations
District Office:
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783
Capitol Office:
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com