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The Latest News from Your State Representative
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PA is Ready to Go!

Pictured with me (front row, left) are Congressman Chris Deluzio, Under Secretary for Infrastructure David Crane, Nextracker Chief Executive Officer Dan Shugar, JENNMAR Holdings Chief Executive Officer Tony Calandra, and Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce President Matt Smith. In the back row(left) are Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Kelly Speakes-Backman, and Sol Systems Chief Executive Officer Yuri Horowitz.


Clean energy incentives are leveraging private capital to revitalize American manufacturing at JM Steel in Leetsdale, creating 60 new local jobs.

Last week at a press conference, I was the guest speaker as JM Steel announced it is expanding Nextracker-Dedicated Steel to triple capacity for new U.S. solar power generation projects in Leetsdale.

In 2022, the vacated steel fabrication site transformed to fabricate critical steel components for solar power generation plants, which created family-sustaining manufacturing jobs in American-made steel production in the clean energy economy.

In the 1980s, this area took a huge hit as steel companies left, leaving hundreds of workers unemployed. Now look at what is happening. This is a true American success story of resilience, local manufacturing, job creation and energy security.

As we struggle with inflation and escalating costs, the solution is to support and unleash domestic energy production with full diversity, which includes solar, nuclear, wind, hydrogen storage, carbon capture and sequestration production.

We need to continue to train our workforce to adapt to new materials and sources of energy. I am excited to be working hard to build and encourage public-private partnerships to move more projects in a positive direction.

As a member of Team PA Foundation, Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Cross Sector and the United States Hydrogen Alliance, my goal is to attract more projects, capital and energy diversity.

I’m very excited! I was born in Leetsdale. My father, Ed, was a local dentist, and my uncle, John, was a practicing physician here.

Building the economy is not a Republican or Democrat issue – it is non-partisan. It will take all of us to make it happen, to bring more innovative companies to make our area their home base and the capital to enable them to grow.

PA is ready to go!

Pictured with me are Under Secretary of Infrastructure David Crane and Sewickley Academy students.
My Legislation to Help Pharmacies Provide More Affordable Prescriptions

Health care is rapidly changing and getting more and more complex each day. Medication management is one of the most important aspects of health care and it starts with your pharmacy.

Recently, I hosted a press conference at Porter’s Pharmacy and Compounding Lab in Moon Township with Rep. Jessica Benham (D-Allegheny) about our proposed legislation that would direct the Pennsylvania Insurance Department to develop a process for hearing and resolving pharmacy complaints against Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs). PBMs would report the number of rebates and payments received from drug manufacturers, and how those rebates and payments were distributed by the PBM.

House Bill 1993 will help make the system fairer and give small local pharmacies a chance at success.

PBMs can serve a valuable role in controlling drug costs and providing greater transparency, more accountability and oversight to help ensure they act in the best interests of patients and the health care system, as well as ensure the free market is working to provide the best care at the best price.

It’s unfortunate there have been so many pharmacies closing in the last year in Pennsylvania, which ultimately hurts you. Patients deserve easy access to health care! All pharmacies, no matter big or small, deserve a level playing field to continue to work.

House Bill 1993 has been referred to the House Health Committee. Click here to watch a recap of the press conference. 

Pictured with me (from left) are Eddie DeCaria, owner of Porter’s Pharmacy and Compounding Lab; Reps. Anita Kulik and Emily Kinkead; Sen. Wayne Fontana; Rep. Jessica Benham; Congressman Chris Deluzio; and Sen. Devlin Robinson.
Financial Aid Available Due to Flooding

I want to inform you that the Commonwealth received approval from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to make financial aid available in Allegheny County, as well as Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington and Westmoreland counties, as a result of the flooding event that took place April 11–12.

The SBA’s Disaster Loan program provides low-interest loans for homeowners, renters, private non-profits and businesses located in disaster declared counties that sustained damages from flooding. The SBA can provide up to $500,000 for homeowners to replace or repair their primary residences and up to $100,000 for homeowners and renters to replace or repair personal property.

Businesses and most private non-profits may apply for up to $2 million to cover disaster losses not fully covered by insurance.

Additionally, small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, and most private nonprofit organizations located in the declared disaster area that have suffered substantial economic injury may be eligible for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL).

The SBA will open a Disaster Loan Outreach Center (DLOC) in Allegheny County beginning Friday, May 3, at noon, to provide in-person assistance for those wishing to apply. Visiting the DLOC is not required to obtain assistance.

Allegheny County:
South Fayette Township Municipal Building, 100 Township Drive, Bridgeville.
DLOC Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunday the DLOC is closed.

The DLOC permanently closes on Saturday, May 18, at 2 p.m.
The deadline to return disaster loan applications for physical damages is June 28. The deadline to return economic injury disaster loan (EIDL) applications is January 29, 2025.

Apply here.
Economic Growth Continues in the 44th District

Congratulations to Focal Point Coaching and Training Excellence and Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce (PAACC) for making Moon Township your new home. PAACC welcomed Jim Schriver, and wife, Megan, to the chamber this past week with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Jim and Megan had the opportunity to share the consulting skills and services they offer to other businesses in need of leadership. Welcome!

Pictured are (from left) Doug Keeter; Kathy Pfister, Coldwell Banker Realty; Mike Czerniewski, Multi Print Media; Chris Heck, president of PAACC; Jen Rosa, Luxury Travel Planner; Jim Schriver; Megan Schriver; Danielle Kicielinski, Dollar Bank; and Tiffany Walenchok, West-Aircomm Federal Credit Union.
School Safety Grants for 44th District


I was pleased to announce the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) approved more than $1.2 million in grants to improve safety and security for students and staff at schools across the 44th Legislative District.

No parent should have to worry about their children’s safety when they send them off to school. This funding will enable these school districts to enhance their security efforts in order to provide a safer learning environment for students, faculty and staff.

The total amount awarded to each school is as follows:

  •   Moon Area School District - $194,849.
  •   Quaker Valley School District - $357,263.
  •   West Allegheny School District - $181,596.
  •   Parkway West Career and Technical Center - $70,000./td>
  •   Watson Institute Education Center - $308,941.
  •   Rhema Christian School - $60,000.
  •   Sewickley Academy School - $70,000.

The funding was distributed through four different grants, which include Noncompetitive School Mental Health Grants, Formula-Based School Safety and Security Meritorious Grants, Competitive School Safety and Security Grants, and Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools.
Bipartisan Legislation

House Approves Bill to Add Flexibility Operating Hours for Craft Breweries

When Republicans and Democrats work together, meaningful legislation is adopted. A bill that would allow breweries that provide on-premise consumption to remain open past midnight on New Year's Eve until 2 a.m. on New Year's Day overwhelming passed the House 200-1.

House Bill 2150 would also allow these businesses to apply for a one-time use permit to remain open until 2 a.m., on one other day of their choosing during the year. Currently, such breweries are only allowed to provide sales until midnight Monday through Saturday and 11 p.m. on Sundays.

Adding this flexibility to operating hours would enable these businesses to remain competitive during the New Year’s holiday and allow for late hours if they are holding a special event during the year.

House Bill 2150 heads to the Senate for consideration.

House Approves Bill Mixed-Use Development Fund

Legislation that would create a dedicated mixed-use development fund and provide a combination grant or loan program to incentivize the purchase and revitalization of large commercial properties unanimously passed the House.

Communities across the Commonwealth are seeing a rise in large, abandoned and blighted commercial properties such as shopping malls. They are looming eye sores as many are vacant and falling into disrepair – affecting communities by failing to pay utility bills and cutting into tax rolls. Often abandoned and overgrown, they are a deterrent for traffic to nearby businesses, a draw on local services, and often have created significant safety concerns.

These properties can be revived into thriving economic centers by transitioning them into mixed-use developments, bringing new restaurants, retail shops, health care facilities, recreational spaces and/or residential housing for working families.

We need to transform our local communities and allow once thriving commercial properties to prosper again.

House Bill 2174 now moves on to the Senate for consideration.
Celebrating the Importance of Health Care for Kids

Recently, I, along with Sen. Devlin Robinson and the Sewickley Valley YMCA, hosted National Healthy Kids Day 2024. The turnout was outstanding!

Families had the opportunity to visit organizations that promote overall health for children.

For more than 30 years, YMCAs and their communities have hosted free community events aimed to inspire kids and families to keep their minds and bodies active throughout the summer months and beyond.

Thank you to all the vendors and the Sewickley Valley YMCA, who provided the venue, for making this event possible!
Supporting Our Boy Scouts

I had a great time meeting with Agostino Radziercz and his father, Dave, at my district office in Moon Township. Agostino met with me to fulfill his “Building a Better World” badge.

To fulfil this requirement, Agostino needed to meet with a local community leader to learn more about local leadership and important issues facing the community. We talked about the legislative process, how bills are made and the importance of our local government. We also shared our favorite fun facts about Pennsylvania!
Celebrate Small Businesses

As National Small Business Week and Pennsylvania Small Business Week draw to a close on Saturday (May 4), it is important to remember these employers are the backbone of our economy.

As a business owner, I understand how important our businesses our to the community.

Pennsylvania is home to more than 1 million small businesses that employ approximately 2.5 million workers.

Small business owners have displayed incredible perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, including the global pandemic, staffing shortages and economic downturn. House Republicans are working to advance policies to further help them thrive, including creating a more competitive tax climate, easing regulatory burdens and enhancing our workforce.

I hope you will join me in thanking and patronizing our small businesses year-round.
Get FAFSA Help!

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) is offering free, virtual, one-on-one assistance with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays during the month of May.

PHEAA recently extended until June 1 the deadline by which students must file the FAFSA with relation to the Pennsylvania State Grant Program.

The virtual assistance is available to the public, including families and high school counselors who need assistance with completing the FAFSA. To schedule a session, contact Amy Sawdey at 717-433-3847.

More information is available at www.PHEAA.org.
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District Office:
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783
Capitol Office:
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com