The Latest News from Your State Representative |
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With the eyes of the nation on the Commonwealth, election officials in many of the state’s 67 counties are finalizing their counts of more than 2.6 million mail-in or absentee ballots that were cast in the Nov. 3 general election here.
It’s not clear when we will have final results since the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled ballots received up to three days after the election could be counted. Claims by the Wolf administration that we would have results by now if counties had been permitted to start canvassing mail-in ballots earlier are disingenuous given their push to allow late ballots to be counted. We actually passed legislation to allow pre-canvassing three days before the election – but the governor said he would veto the bill.
While I believe this administration has failed the people of Pennsylvania by not having timely election results, our top priority is always to ensure the accuracy of the results…that every eligible voter who legally cast a ballot in this election is counted.
Thank you very much for electing me to serve you for two more years. The 44th District is a special place to live, work and play.
Valerie Gaydos |
Thanking Our Veterans
This Wednesday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. While ceremonies may be limited due to the ongoing pandemic, our thanks and appreciation for the men and women who have served our country is as strong as ever.
Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day, first marked the one-year anniversary of the end of World War I, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and sought to honor the veterans of the World War – the only world war to have occurred at that time. Armistice Day was declared a national holiday in 1938 to acknowledge world peace, and then renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to celebrate the contributions of veterans of all wars.
For more about the history of Veterans Day, click here.
Also, the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) is reminding veterans and their beneficiaries who face an unexpected financial need for the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, fuel and clothing, that help is available through the DMVA’s Veterans Temporary Assistance (VTA) program.
Eligible veterans or their beneficiaries can qualify for an amount not to exceed $1,600 in a 12-month period. Eligibility requirements include: a person who served in the Armed Forces of the United States (discharged under honorable conditions), died in service or was killed in action, or suffered a service-connected disability.
For more information about this and other programs and services to support veterans and their families, visit www.DMVA.pa.gov.
Rep. Gaydos would like to thank our veterans for their sacrifice, patriotism, selflessness and bravery. May God continue to bless America, our honored veterans, and all who defend our liberties.
Gaydos Legislation to Protect Taxpayers, Ensure Municipal Project Now Law
Rep. Gaydos is pleased to announce that Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law House Bill 885, her legislation that would amend the Public Works Contractors’ Bond Law of 1967 requiring certain financial securities for public contracts in excess of $10,000. The bill overwhelmingly passed the state House and Senate.
House Bill 885 eliminates alternative security instruments, which do not adequately protect local governments when public projects go bad. Because the legislation requires security equal to the contract amount in the form of a performance bond, payment bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or escrow account, Gaydos’ legislation will prevent local government units from losing money because of inadequate security on public projects.
The Public Works Contractor’s Bond Law of 1967 establishes a uniform and mandatory system governing the requirement of bonds to be furnished by contractors in the prosecution of any public building or other public work or public improvement, including road work. Under current law, the posting of “any financial security, acceptable to and approved by the contracting body” has enabled projects to go forward at the local level with inadequate security.
Rep. Gaydos’ legislation is part of a series of bills on municipal government reform in conjunction with the Senate to ensure an effective and broad approach to municipal government for the 21st century.
Gaydos Votes YES to Protecting Taxpayer Investments
Working to ensure taxpayers are getting the best return on their investment, a new law will require additional reporting by the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS).
Act 94 of 2020 requires SERS to prepare a report on its investment performance data for the period of July 1 through June 30 of each year. This report is in addition to other reports SERS prepares. The Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) currently prepares investment performance data on the same basis.
The law is part of a package of legislation to reform and secure Pennsylvania’s pension system. The package of legislation, which also includes House Bills 1960, 1962 and 1963, is the result of the Public Pension Management and Asset Investment Review Commission’s report on the operations of the Commonwealth’s statewide pension systems. As part of the study the commission made several recommendations to improve the system, save taxpayers money and protect investments. The remaining bills are awaiting votes in the General Assembly.
The law takes effect in 30 days.
Bill Protecting Families, Survivors of Rape, Sexual Assault Now Law
A new state law will stand up for rape victims and their families in the Commonwealth by making it easier to terminate the parental rights of a perpetrator of rape or sexual assault when that crime results in the birth of a child.
Under prior law, the parental rights of a perpetrator could only be terminated if there was another parent lined up to adopt the child. The new law rightfully removes this requirement, protecting the safety and well-being of victims, their children and families throughout the Commonwealth.
The law takes effect in 60 days.
Gaydos Supports Criminal Justice Reform Law
A new criminal justice reform law will help break down barriers that prevent some Pennsylvanians from becoming gainfully employed.
Act 83 of 2020 will expunge the criminal history record of individuals who have been unconditionally pardoned or fully acquitted following a trial. The legislation was supported overwhelmingly throughout the legislative process by members on both sides of the aisle in both the House and Senate.
The law builds on the success of the state’s 2018 Clean Slate Law, which prevents employers and landlords from using criminal cases against potential employees and tenants by removing those cases from public view.
The law takes effect in 60 days.
Road Construction Planned for 2021
PennDOT plans to rehabilitate Route 3160 in Moon Township. The western limit is at the Halverson Road East Bound onramp, and the eastern limit is the ramps to and from Route 376.
The project is approximately 3.9 miles long. The existing pavement will be microsurfaced. There will not be any bridge work with this project.
Other work includes minor drainage work, signing/pavement marking updates, guiderail update to the new MASH criteria and other miscellaneous construction. All work will be within the existing right-of-way.
Subject to the availability of funding, PennDOT anticipates the project to be ready for construction by the 2021 construction season.
Use Caution: Deer on the Move
The Pennsylvania Game Commission is reminding motorists to slow down and stay alert for deer on the roadways.
Deer become more active in the autumn with the lead-up to their fall breeding season, commonly referred to as the “rut.” Autumn also sees a number of people taking part in outdoor activities that might flush deer from forested areas or briar thickets, and deer are more actively feeding to store energy for winter months. Add to this the end of daylight saving time, which results in more traffic between dawn and dusk, and the chances of vehicle accidents with deer increase significantly.
Data from around the country indicates that Pennsylvania drivers are near the top of the list for risks of a vehicle collision with a deer or other large animal. A recent report has Pennsylvania third among all the states and indicates that Pennsylvania drivers have a 1-in-51 chance of a vehicular accident involving a big game animal.
Drivers can reduce their chances of collisions with deer by staying alert and better understanding deer behavior. Be especially alert in “Deer Crossing” areas, and remember deer tend to travel in family groups, so if you see one deer, more are likely coming.
To report a dead deer for removal from state roads, motorists can call the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation at 1-800-FIX-ROAD. If the deer is on a locally owned road, contact the appropriate municipality.
Grants Available to Help Farmers, Small Businesses Save Money, Reduce Pollution
Grant funding for energy efficiency and pollution prevention projects for small business owners and farmers is still available from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) through the Small Business Advantage Grant program.
Pennsylvania farmers and other small business owners with 100 or fewer full-time employees are eligible for the grants. Projects must save the business a minimum of $500 and 25% annually in energy consumption or pollution-related expenses. Natural resource protection projects are exempt from the minimums; however, the projects must be able to quantify sediment and nutrient reductions into nearby waterways.
Businesses can apply for 50% matching funds for equipment or materials, up to $7,000, when adopting energy-efficient or pollution prevention equipment or processes. Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be accepted until fiscal year 2020-21 funds are exhausted, or Monday, April 12, 2021, whichever occurs first.
The complete grant application package is available here.
PA Department of Agriculture Highlights Competitive Opportunities at Virtual 2021 Farm Show
People of all ages who look forward to participating in the Pennsylvania Farm Show each year will still have an opportunity to do so in a virtual Farm Show, according to officials with the state Department of Agriculture.
The following competitive events are planned for this year’s show, which will be held Jan. 9-16: agriculture education, apiary, beer, Christmas trees, corn and small grains, family living, Jr. market cattle, maple syrup, mushrooms, potatoes, vegetables, wine, and wool.
In additional to these Farm Show staple competitions, new opportunities include a coloring contest, educational video contest, public speaking contest and additional skill-a-thon contests.
Competitors are encouraged to review the rules and regulations prior to entering, as they feature changes to classes, registration requirements, entry deadlines and method of getting items to the Farm Show Complex. The information is available here.
Office Locations |
District Office: |
1009 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 220, Moon Township, PA 15108 | Phone: (412) 262-3780, Fax: (412) 262-3783 |
Capitol Office: |
Room 428, Irvis Office Building, House Box 202044, Harrisburg PA 17120-2044 | Phone: (717) 787-6651 | |
Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com |