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Election Update 

Thank you to many of you who have taken the time to contact me regarding voting, elections and the proposed resolutions on Pennsylvania’s election issues. I can assure you that the Legislature is not idle. I remain committed to hearing all concerns that have been presented to me and to ensuring that the integrity of our elections is maintained through a fair and open process as well as a clear and concerted path toward transparency and accountability that includes election audits, clear communication, education, investigation, litigation and correction as needed. We are a nation based on Rule of Law and regardless of how one voted in the last election, it is the insistence on Rule of Law in all circumstances that will enable us to move forward as a nation in a long lasting way.

Election Audits to Ensure Transparency and Accountability
Please know that it is of the utmost importance to me to ensure fairness and transparency in the election and voting processes, regardless of the outcome. To this end, I voted in favor of House Resolution 1100 to conduct an audit of the 2020 General Election. While this audit was struck down by a partisan vote of the Joint Legislative Budget and Finance Committee, I also supported the House State Government Committee investigation which recently published a preliminary report addressing some of the concerns which were brought to our attention by many of our constituents and which will guide us going forward. Click here to read the report. 

Clear Communication to Ensure Honesty and Integrity
Regarding the newly proposed resolution from my fellow legislators: while I agree with many of its points, I want to make sure that no empty promises are made to Pennsylvanians. Contrary to some beliefs, House Resolution 1094 that was proposed cannot vacate the electors. It simply affirms the authority of the legislative branch to create election law in the manner, process and timeframe allowed by the PA Constitution. As a non-binding resolution it cannot overturn the will of voters. It simply highlights and memorializes examples of executive and judicial branch decisions that occurred this year which are believed to have clouded and confused the application of the Election Code to the point of creating voting and ballot counting inequities across the state. It acknowledges allegations about the election deserving further consideration and review, some of which are still being litigated. It affirms a desire to make sure every legal vote was accurately tabulated. Many of these assertions were already stated in House Resolution 1100 to conduct the audit and which I supported

The fact remains that regardless of the content of the resolution it would have been impossible to pass given that Monday, Nov. 30, was the last day of the 2019-20 legislative session. Per the House Rules, a joint resolution requires a total of five days to pass through both legislative chambers, so the resolution never even had a chance of moving through that process.

Education, Investigation and Understanding the Process to Address Contested Elections
The Pennsylvania Constitution (Article 7 Section 13) provides clear legal direction to investigate contested elections NO legislative body can or should violate the Rule of Law that is outlined in the Pennsylvania Constitution. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives currently has a case pending before the United States Supreme Court. And a number of contested elections are currently being litigated. The election process for President and Vice President follows a very specific timeline of events which is outlined here.

Still, Many of my colleagues and I plan to continue our work to safeguard the election process and we continue to collect and encourage investigation into every single allegation of voter fraud that is reported I will be supporting the House State Government Committee’s intentions to conduct its own investigation in the new year, particularly into the process surrounding mail-in ballots and will be supporting efforts to examine the judicial overreach in changing election laws just days before the election. By statute only the legislature can make laws. The judicial branch is there to interpret them, not write them.

Timeliness and Dedication to Address Voter Concerns through a “Special Session” and “Independent” Review.
There is no doubt that there are numerous unanswered questions regarding the election that require a sitting General Assembly to examine and fulfill our duty to conduct oversight as soon as possible and that is why I fully support the call to convene the General Assembly into a “special session” for the purpose of enabling the General Assembly to swear in its members, organize and address voter concerns in a timely manner. And, I also support the appointment of an independent prosecutor to review the recently enacted comprehensive changes to our Commonwealth’s Election Code election code as well as any irregularities, to ensure the statutes governing our election laws were not violated, and to make recommendations to the General Assembly concerning further internal control policies to prevent even the appearance of election manipulation in the Commonwealth.

The 2019-2020 two year legislative session ended November 30 As such, the month of December after each two year session typically serves as a transitionary period, when outgoing members are replaced by those newly elected ones who are not yet sworn into office. We are constitutionally prohibited from “creating” additional session days to vote after the conclusion of session but we may call for a special session to help expedite the organizational functions which are required prior to convening as a fully functional Legislature. Pennsylvania’s voters deserve a transparent, secure, and reliable electoral process.

Please be assured that I will always support voting practices and election policies that uphold the sanctity of our laws and the integrity of our representative democracy. I know it doesn’t seem to work fast enough at times, but the fact that it was designed to be a measured and deliberative process is what makes our Democracy so strong and lasting despite the way it may sometimes feel to so many.


Valerie Gaydos
The State House State Government Committee Released an Interim Report on the 2020 Election Cycle


The above graphics report on the 2020 election cycle. It offers details on the background, Pennsylvania election laws, recent changes, Department of State directives and related litigation, all of which impacted the 2020 election. It is my hope that it serves as a tool to review this election, so we are better prepared to further address elections head on during the next legislative session. The full report can be found here. 
Veto Threatens Small Businesses, Schools, Service Providers

A bill that would have helped the state’s small business owners, schools, service providers and others struggling to stay afloat in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been vetoed by Gov. Tom Wolf.

House Bill 1737 would have provided liability protections to those businesses and organizations that follow guidance from the state and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to protect against the spread of coronavirus. It also would have ensured bad actors who fail to follow the guidance are held accountable for their actions.

In addition to COVID-19 liability protections, the measure would have helped pave the way for the state’s struggling farmers who want to expand their businesses to include agritourism by providing them with limited liability protections as well.

This measure would have provided reasonable and much-needed protection to the hard-working men and women who provide valuable services to our citizens. Despite the governor’s claims, it would not have prevented any business or organization from being held liable in cases of gross negligence, recklessness, willful misconduct or intentional infliction of harm.
Wolf Vetoes Oil and Gas Legislation

Gov. Tom Wolf has vetoed bipartisan legislation that would have helped ensure the future of Pennsylvania’s 160-year-old conventional shallow well oil and gas industry and the jobs it supports.

Senate Bill 790 would have enacted the Conventional Oil and Gas Wells Act to govern the conventional, shallow-well oil and gas industry with reasonable and responsible regulations that are relevant to the particularly small segment of oil and gas drilling companies that exist. While we all strive to maintain clean air and clean water, it is important to distinguish between big business and small business and to not be tempted to agree to laws that subject all segments of the industry to regulations that were created to address the concerns of the far more impactful unconventional natural gas drilling activities.

Nearly all of Pennsylvania’s conventional oil and gas wells are owned and operated by sole proprietors or small businesses.

With the legislative session now over, it is expected that the bill will be reintroduced when the new session begins in January.
New Law to Help Fund Broadband Expansion

Recognizing that broadband access is not a luxury but a necessity, the General Assembly has passed a new law that will help expand the service in the state’s most rural communities.

Act 132 of 2020 creates the Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Program to provide grants in support of broadband expansion in areas most in need of these services. Initial funding comes from a repeal of the $5 million Mobile Telecommunications Broadband Investment Tax Credit, though the law calls for supplementing the $5 million with additional state or federal funds.

The grant program will be administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Preference will be given to projects in the most unserved areas of the Commonwealth as defined by the Federal Communications Commission’s minimum speed requirements and to projects that already have federal funding allocated to them.

This is the second major pro-broadband measure to become law this year. Act 98 of 2020 will help clear the way for rural electric cooperatives, cable companies or any entity that wants to run broadband cable to provide the service using the existing infrastructure and easements held by rural electric cooperatives. The law effectively cuts through some of the red tape that was slowing down the pace and driving up the cost of broadband expansion. 
Prescription Pricing Transparency Bill Now Law

Legislation to bring more transparency to the pricing practices of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) has been signed into law.

Act 120 of 2020 gives the Department of Human Services the authority to request payment information from PBMs and require certain disclosures upon request. It also calls on the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study analyzing prescription drug pricing in the Medical Assistance program.

The legislation was introduced in response to challenges facing local, independent pharmacies that are struggling to continue serving their customers because of severe cuts to pharmacy reimbursement rates by PBMs, especially in Medicaid.
2021 Fishing Licenses, Permits for Sale Now!

During a time when many of us are looking for fun and affordable ways to enjoy the outdoors, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is reminding anglers that 2021 fishing licenses are now on sale.

Regular fishing licenses, as well as various permits and gift vouchers, can be purchased online at www.fishandboat.com or by visiting one of nearly 700 retail license issuing agents. Licenses, permits and vouchers purchased now are valid immediately for up to 13 months, from Dec. 1, 2020, through Dec. 31, 2021.

The price of an annual resident fishing license in 2021 is still $22.90. Multi-year options are also available in increments of three years, five years or 10 years. The most popular add-ons, a trout permit and a Lake Erie permit, cost $9.90 each or $15.90 for a combination permit which includes both privileges.

While youth anglers under age 16 do not require a fishing license, they must have either a Voluntary Youth Fishing License ($2.90) or a free Mentored Youth Fishing Permit to participate in various youth opportunities throughout the 2021 season. This includes the Mentored Youth Trout Fishing Days, which occur on the Saturdays before the openings of the regional and statewide seasons. Voluntary Youth Fishing Licenses purchased in advance of the 2020 Mentored Youth Trout Fishing Days that were canceled due to COVID-19 will be honored in 2021.

Click here for additional information.
Protect Against Scams this Holiday Season

The Office of Attorney General is reminding us to protect against common online scams that may increase in frequency this holiday season.

These scams include email and text phishing, in which you are directed to enter personal information on a fraudulent website; deliveries being stolen from your front porch; credit card skimming, particularly at ATMs, gas pumps or other payment kiosks; online pop-up advertisements claiming you’ve won a prize and encouraging you to click a link, which likely contains a virus or will make your device susceptible to being hacked; and online marketplace deals promising access to the latest popular toys and games that are difficult to find.

To protect yourself from scams, consumers should:
  •   Set up email or text alerts with your credit card company or bank, so you’ll be alerted quickly to all purchases, including fraudulent purchases.
  •   Install the latest security updates and run virus scans regularly on your computer or mobile device.
  •   Never use your home’s smart device, such as Alexa, Siri or Google Home, to find a customer support number for any company, and never have the system dial it for you. Go directly to the company’s website or call the number on the back of your credit or debit card, or the number on your billing statement.
  •   Never pay with a prepaid gift card, CashApp, or Venmo or wire someone money when you’re trying to buy a gift online. Use your credit card, not a debit card, for better protection.

Anyone who believes they may have been scammed should file a police report and file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General by clicking here. 
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Email: vgaydos@pahousegop.com