Gaydos Pledges to Support Free and Fair Elections - Lawmaker opposes questionable House ‘election integrity’ legislation

October 9, 2020

HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) issued the following statement after House Resolution 1032 passed the House State Government Committee. The resolution would form a House Select Committee on Election Integrity to review the conduct of the 2020 General Election to inform future legislation.

Gaydos issued the following statement:

“I am committed to voting ‘NO’ on House Resolution 1032, which is significantly flawed as it is written. I have urged our House Republican Leadership team to table this legislation immediately. I strongly support free and fair elections and the democratic process, but adamantly oppose legislation which is unclear and undefined.

“In addition, I oppose making unnecessary changes to the election process so close to an election because it will only serve to create further confusion in what has already been a confusing and mercurial process. However, given the many changes that were made to the election code in the last two years, a review and study of the election is certainly needed at some time and place. But any review should be carried out by a more bipartisan entity and after the election takes place.

“While I believe that the use of absentee ballots and the paper ballot option for people who are unable to get to the polls is perfectly safe, fewer steps in the process means fewer errors. I am a strong advocate for voting at the polls on Election Day, if able, as the best, most efficient way to move toward greater election integrity.”

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 /

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